best exercise to lose weight for women, best nutritionist in mumbai, magical health

Best exercise to lose weight for Indian women

‘’Can I workout at home?’’ ‘’I just walk to lose weight’’ ‘’I tried power yoga long back, it worked for sometime’’ ‘’Joined a boot camp. Workout is good but weight is stuck’’ ‘’I think I need to change my workout, my weight is stuck’’   Honestly, we cannot decide to do random exercises to lose…

is weight training good for women?

How to Lose Weight and Inches Effectively and Healthily?

When Weight Scale is the ONLY thing you rely on for weight loss progress, you got it all wrong! This mistake is often done by many, because of lack of understanding about weight loss and fat loss.   Weight scale obsession looks like this: EARLY MORNING- WEIGHT Check AFTER POOPing- WEIGHT Check BEFORE EATING- WEIGHT…