Don't just lose weight, but fat. You Could be skinny fat

Don’t just lose weight, but fat. You Could be skinny fat

This is my story. I was always a very thin girl, extremely thin one.  🙁  People thought I was the blessed one who never puts on weight easily and so I could eat anything I wish to but this was not the case. I was bullied I had too many medical issues- PCOD, knee and…

Weight Train to Strengthen Bones

Is weight training good for slip disc or knee pain?

Weight training and its myths always go hand in hand, and it’s all because of the unqualified professional working in health sectors. No offence against anyone but the truth is that when you take guidance from someone who is not trained in that profession, what you end up getting is only more health issues. I…

Will I put on weight after leaving gym?

Will I put on weight after leaving gym?

Gaining weight? Join Gym! Leave gym, Gain double the weight… 😥  The cycle goes on and off. Convincing people to weight training is the most challenging thing for me in my profession.  People want to lose weight desperately but they can’t workout if asked to. ”Why? What is the need?” ”Is it mandatory to gym?”…