Weight Train to Strengthen Bones

Is weight training good for slip disc or knee pain?

Weight training and its myths always go hand in hand, and it’s all because of the unqualified professional working in health sectors. No offence against anyone but the truth is that when you take guidance from someone who is not trained in that profession, what you end up getting is only more health issues. I…

Should we walk immediately post lunch or dinner to lose weight?

Should we walk immediately post lunch or dinner to lose weight?

Do you have 1 person in family asking you to walk post lunch or dinner? I’m sure you have one or maybe it’s you who thinks the same… Poor stomach which is already so full and wants you to sit back in one place, is not allowing you to get up but still you push…

Weight training women

Is it important to exercise to lose weight?

I got a very interesting patient yesterday. He was so desperate to lose weight, that he fixed up his appointment an hour before with me. Highly impatient, highly charged up but inside he was too lazy to do any sort of workouts. He tried general motor diet, did liposuction, did soup salad diets and many…

Exercises to Lose weight and reverse Diabetes

I remember when  was in my early high school years, an orthopedic doctor asked me to ever workout because of my genetic compressed back bone which created a lot of issue in my right knee. I being so passionate about workout, found it insane to never workout in my life. I fortunately got into health…

is weight training good for women?

How to Lose Weight and Inches Effectively and Healthily?

When Weight Scale is the ONLY thing you rely on for weight loss progress, you got it all wrong! This mistake is often done by many, because of lack of understanding about weight loss and fat loss.   Weight scale obsession looks like this: EARLY MORNING- WEIGHT Check AFTER POOPing- WEIGHT Check BEFORE EATING- WEIGHT…