How does replacing cabs with fats helps you burn fat?

How does replacing carbohydrate with fats helps you burn stubborn fat?

Carbohydrates are the most discussed and highly contradictory food group for weight loss. Of course eating carbohydrate is not harmful but it does increase the fat when your body doesn’t need energy. Carbohydrate is nothing but a form of energy that is ”Glucose”. Carbohydrate is not at fault though but the metabolism of your body.…

How to relieve abdominal pain during periods?

How to relieve abdominal pain during periods?

Being a women, I always thought having periods is a pain… mentally and physically too. Fluctuating mood swings Extreme pain Excessive bleeding Frustration, anger and getting restless Binging food This is what most women face during menstruating but is it normal to have pain during periods? ”Certainly yes!… Is that what you are thinking?” Then…

Does skipping dinner helps you lose weight?

Does skipping dinner helps you lose weight?

Have you ever seen people avoiding dinner to lose weight? Is it really helping you lose fat? Or is it something else? And is this really the right way to get into the shape you want to be in? If yes, then you got it all wrong! There is a huge difference between the weight…

Indian Seeds to heal your health

Indian Seeds to heal your health

Every human today to trying to cope up with the pace of fast moving lifestyle. Especially in metro cities of India like Mumbai, Delhi, Calcutta, Bangalore.  I recently heard Mumbai is now one of the busiest cities in the world after New York.  🙄  But in reality, this race becomes a curse for our health.…

Weight Train to Strengthen Bones

Is weight training good for slip disc or knee pain?

Weight training and its myths always go hand in hand, and it’s all because of the unqualified professional working in health sectors. No offence against anyone but the truth is that when you take guidance from someone who is not trained in that profession, what you end up getting is only more health issues. I…